AFRICA: 65% drop in maintenance rate through technical analysis, internal communication, training and efficient CRM policy

At A&M, we believe that resource optimization goes thoroughly through HR value. It has been once again acknowledged after a dedicated training program, delivered to the training supervisor of a blasting service department, at a well known African company.

We help improving the internal communication, focusing especially on creating an efficient cost effective team work spirit between the R&D department and the production side. We created efficient communication tools to correctly transmit the critical messages.

In 6 months, we achieved a 65% drop in maintenance rate due to field-level mishandling (average based on 4 countries rates). This rate positively influence the margin considering that the maintenance cost per failing unit counts for 20% of its unitary price.

More importantly, reducing significantly the delayed blast ratio, this improvement positively influence the customer satisfaction index by 37% (2006 mean vs. 2007 first quarter). Literature says that 50% of satisfied customers are loyal. Finding a new customer cost 10 times more than keeping one.

The improved product contributes
significantly to consolidate the Group mining division market share.

SOUTH AFRICA: USD100,000 saving through real customer needs analysis in South Africa
After analysing the product panel of a major actor in explosives and mining services, its positioning, market share and HR inherent complexity, we proposed to focus on a purely internal marketing effort.

Far from perceptions and feelings, the potential ROI of an external marketing plan has been investigated and finally considered as marginal.

Tailored metrics has been set up to control and check that we do not exceed a few thousands dollars scale.
Doing so, we estimate that this company save an average 100,000 dollars in pointless communication.